- Arc Abrasives
- Falcon Abrasive Mfg.
- Hermes Abrasive Mfg. Inc.
- Radiac Abrasives
- Saint-Gobain Abrasives (Merit/Norton)
- Standard Abrasives
- Eagle Industries
- T.C. Service Co. (Top Cat)
- Arntz, Inc.
- Bahco (a division of Snap-On)
- W.F. Wells, Inc.
- Wellsaw, Inc.
- Allied Machine
- Dorian Tool International
- Everede Tool Company
- Ingersoll
- Kennametal, Inc.
- Ultra-dex USA (ARCH)
- Dumont
- Eagle Tool Company
- Wolverine Broach Company, Inc.
- Acme Industrial Company
- Actek Mfg. & Eng. Inc.
- Global CNC Industries, LTD
- United Drill Bushing Corporation
- Dorian Tool International
- Horn USA, Inc.
- Hitachi Moldina
- Ingersoll Cutting Tools
- Kennametal, Inc.
- Kyocera Precision Tools
- Mitsubishi Diaedge
- RMC Tooling Company, Inc.
- Sumitomo Carbide, Inc.
- Tool-Flo Mfg, Inc.
- Tool Technologies, Inc.
- YG1 Tool
- Riten Industries, Inc.
- Rom Products of America, Inc.
- Royal Products
- Quality Chaser Company
- Bison
- Cushman Industries
- SMW-Autoblok
- Allied Machine
- Everede Tool Company
- Form Relief Tool Co., Inc.
- Cogsdill Tool Products, Inc.
- Severance Tool Industries, Inc.
- Regal Diamond Products
- Saint-Gobain Abrasives (Merit/Norton)
- CJT Koolcarb, Inc.
- Hayden Twist Drill
- Kennametal, Inc.
- Keo Cutters (ARCH)
- Mitsubishi Diaedge
- Republic Drill
- Siem Tool Company (ARCH)
- YG-1 Tool Company
- Allied Machine
- Ingersoll Cutting Tools
- Kennametal, Inc.
- Kyocera Precision Tools
- Mitsubishi Diaedge
- Conical Tool Company
- HTC Tool-Cutter & MFG
- Allen Gauge & Tool Company
- Emuge Corporation
- Fred V Fowler Company, Inc.
- Hemco Corporation
- Mitutoyo America Corporation
- PMC/Lone Star
- Zoller, Inc.
- Cogsdill Tool Products, Inc.
- Dorian Tool International
- F & D Tool Company, Inc
- Niagara (ARCH)
- F & D Tool Company, Inc.
- Lavallee & Ide Company
- Atlas Sling Company
- Murphy Industrial Products, Inc
- C.H. Hanson Company
- Geo T Schmidt, Inc.
- Matthews International Corp
- Young Bros. Stamp Works, Inc.
- Emuge Corporation
- Kennametal, Inc.
- Regal Cutting Tools
- Reiff & Nestor Company
- Widell Industries, Inc.
- YG-1 Tool Company
- Fairlane Products, Inc.
- Jergens, Inc.
- TE-CO, Inc.
- Earth Chain, Inc.
- Eriez Mfg Company
- Jergens, Inc.
- TE-CO, Inc.
- Gage Recalibration
- Gundrill Retipping/Resharpening
- Indexable Tooling Repair
- Resharpening • Coating
- Brushes • Cabinets • Hoist/Lifting Rings
- Mats • Protective Netting
- Safety Supplies • Shelving
- Wire Wheels